One thing that people may not realize is the physical toll that the treatments can have on the person. To give you a slight idea, the classic cancer treatment protocol is called "slash, burn and poison" in other words, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, any or all of which are no picnic. Remember whenever they go after the cancer cells, heathy cells are killed in the process too. This is why you see the side effects, hair loss, nausea and vomiting and other lovely GI upsets, rashes, etc etc, and above all EXTREME FATIGUE. I can not even begin to describe how tired you can get, where it takes a gargantuan effort just to brush your teeth. you are too tired to eat, and because you are so tired you get very depressed. This is what has been going on with me. Crying at the drop of a hat, getting short of breath and breaking into a sweat just from carrying a basket of laundry downstairs. So, despite the great news I got yesterday about the scan, I broke into tears. What good is keeping the cancer at bay if I am going to feel like this? Is this the best I am going to feel? If I feel this bad today, what am I going to feel like in 3 months?
Fortunately my oncologist (cancer doctor) understood and we did a review of all my meds (you wouldn't believe the amount of pills I swallow each day, but more about that in another post). One of the pills I take every day is a chemotherapy agent but it causes very significant side effects. Since it is experimental in my kind of cancer we decided to stop that. We also skipped my weekly chemo to give me a chance to get my strength back. Then the other thing to start me on is prednisone, a steroid. Steroids can boost your energy which in turn can boost the appetite. I lost 6 pounds in 4 days! So, I've had 2 doses of prednisone and I can already tell the difference! hooray! I actually walked the dogs around the block without getting short of breath! keep your fingers crossed that this continues! I won't be able to stay on steroids forever, but it may be that if I can just get a jump start I will be ok.
oh, before I forget, on the subject of food. Many people will offer to make their special dishes etc. While I (and I imagine others as well) so appreciate the offers, please don't be offended when I say no thanks. My appetite is so up and down, and Luis's picture is next to "picky eater" in the encyclopedia. You all are doing so much for me and trust me, I learned quite a while ago to ask for help!
one other thing, if you see my sister Peggy or my mom (or any of my
family for that matter) give her a hug. Peggy is my rock, my "cancer secretary", sheriff of my cancer posse. She does all that while still being a special education teacher for autistic children (commuting to Dayton!) and, with her husband (another rock) raising 3 kids under the age of 8! I won't nominate her for sainthood, I know her too well ;-) but I couldn't do this without her. Heck, none of us could do this without our friends and family, so thanks to all of you well! (((((cyberhug)))))
Fortunately my oncologist (cancer doctor) understood and we did a review of all my meds (you wouldn't believe the amount of pills I swallow each day, but more about that in another post). One of the pills I take every day is a chemotherapy agent but it causes very significant side effects. Since it is experimental in my kind of cancer we decided to stop that. We also skipped my weekly chemo to give me a chance to get my strength back. Then the other thing to start me on is prednisone, a steroid. Steroids can boost your energy which in turn can boost the appetite. I lost 6 pounds in 4 days! So, I've had 2 doses of prednisone and I can already tell the difference! hooray! I actually walked the dogs around the block without getting short of breath! keep your fingers crossed that this continues! I won't be able to stay on steroids forever, but it may be that if I can just get a jump start I will be ok.
oh, before I forget, on the subject of food. Many people will offer to make their special dishes etc. While I (and I imagine others as well) so appreciate the offers, please don't be offended when I say no thanks. My appetite is so up and down, and Luis's picture is next to "picky eater" in the encyclopedia. You all are doing so much for me and trust me, I learned quite a while ago to ask for help!
one other thing, if you see my sister Peggy or my mom (or any of my
This is Kitty Julian, Katie Leary's sister-in-law in Pittsburgh. I want you to know that John, Fiona and I are rooting for you and Luis. Our good friend Nate, age 37, has non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, just diagnosed in August. It is totally random and there is just no sense to be made of any of it. Anwyay, we really really really hate cancer. It just stinks. We want you to know we are praying for you in our heathen way. Hugs from the 'burgh.
Hi Barb.
I had the pleasure of meeting you and Luis at Brian and Dana's wedding. I am a friend of their's. Since Brain shared the news with me, I have had you in my daily thoughts for a quick recovery.
Just reading your blogs, I can see that you have the spirit, drive, tenacity and awesome support system to conquer this. I look forward to seeing you and Luis (and the rest of the Leary clan) again.
Cindy Naughton
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