Here we are!

Here we are!
Happy little family

This is reality

This is reality

Sunday, February 24, 2008


I am grateful for so many things, I give thanks everyday that I live where I live, have the family I do and am blessed with so many friends. I have been touched lately at how gracious my friends have been with my son, encouraging him to come to games with them, letting him spend the day or have dinner, giving him a semblance of a normal life. While I love the fact that he wants to spend time with me, I also know that he needs his friends and all those activities that boys like to do. So, to John, Christine, Rob and Sue, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

PS, I don't know if you said anything to him, but I finally got him to take a shower tonight, wahoo!

1 comment:

Hadley said...

You are very welcome dear.

P.S. The other night after basketball practice he was sitting on the bench with the team and I told them all that they should get showers every night.